Holistic Chiropractic

A holistic chiropractor is one that goes beyond just adjusting the spine. A holistic chiropractor is a practitioner who has studied beyond their doctorate degree. They spend thousands of hours studying other aspects or health related conditions not considered in the arena of a traditional chiropractor.
What makes a holistic chiropractor unique is that they have specialized training in eliminating the three main stressors of the body. These body stressors consist of physical, chemical, and emotional health. Traditional chiropractors mainly focus on the physical aspect of the triad of health.
In holistic chiropractic there is strong emphasis on examining all three sides of the triad of health and directing natural therapeutic efforts to each.
Cranial Adjusting Therapy

The human skull is comprised of 22 bones that are joined together with sutures. It was discovered in the mid 70’s that there is a space between the bones in the skull and it contains a blood supply, nerve supply and connective tissue.
A misaligned skull can exert extra pressure on the brain which interferes with the brain’s nutrient and oxygen supply, where pain and altered functions can be a direct result of the added intra-cranial pressure. Proper blood supply and CSF flow are essential to maintaining a healthy brain. The onset of your health problems may be the result of an injury to the head.
Cranial adjustments restore alignment to the bones in the head and face through precise pressure applied by the doctor’s hands or an adjusting instrument over or near the junctions (sutures) of the bones.
Pediatric Cranial Adjusting

The bones of the head are separate moving parts, wonderfully designed by nature to move and adjust as the baby travels through the birth canal.
A baby’s head is designed to be flexible and strong enough to push its way out under pressure. However, problems can occur when cranial bones get twisted or compressed, and then stay out of shape.
Cranial bone misalignment could have an impact on other central nervous system nerves that branch out from the spinal area transmitting essential messages to and from the whole body. These require good skeletal alignment and space to function properly.
Keeping this in mind, you can see how your baby could be feeling discomfort in the gut area and could be trying to communicate this to you through crying and through body language.
Minor misalignment could be interfering with essential messages efficiently reaching the digestive system, resulting in your baby experiencing colicky systems.
If your child suffers from any of the following, cranial adjusting may help:
Facial asymmetry
Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly, or Scaphocephaly
Unexplained irritability
Repetitive ear infections
Colic or Gastroesophageal reflux
Experienced birth or head trauma
Root Cause Medicine

Root Cause Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Dr. Vanessa spends time with her patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among dietary, environmental, mental/emotional and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.
Dr. Vanessa works with patients to identify root causes such as heavy metal and chemical toxicities, parasites, bacterial & viral infections, mold and mycotoxin toxicity, and Lyme and co-infections that lead to the signs and symptoms they are expressing like autoimmune conditions, digestive dysfunction, fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, depression, acne, etc.
If you're ready to get off the merry go round of not being heard and not getting the answers you are looking for and being told "everything looks fine", then Dr. Vanessa's root cause approach is for you. Dr. Vanessa will provide you with real answers and solutions to get to the bottom of your health imbalances. You will get a customized program specific for you that encompasses a whole-body approach to healing.
Root Cause Nutrition

Root Cause Nutrition provides individualized health and nutritional counseling using a holistic approach, focusing on each person as a whole and by addressing how lifestyle factors and diets influence optimal well-being. Wouldn't it be great to understand what foods to avoid for optimal health, what basic nutrients we need but can't get through food and specific supplement recommendations based on your areas of concern? This is where our Root Cause Nutrition Program comes in.
What you can expect with Root Cause Nutrition:
Personalized Plan
We create a plan that's all yours!
Hands On Care
Having continuous support, guidance and accountability with routine check-ins is essential to feel results.
Space & Time to Heal
Life-changing healing takes time and consistency.
What's not included:
Laboratory testing or analysis of previous testing
A quick fix
Changes without putting in the time & effort
Endo-Nasal Balloon Adjusting

“It is important to note that CFR is not directed at the treatment of any one specific disease or disorder. It’s primary objective is to mobilize the cranial bones, unlock cranial fixations, open the breathing passageways, facilitate cerebral spinal fluid flow, increase vascular flow to and venous drainage from the cranium, and optimizes brain function. This often times improves symptoms related to various neurological disorders.”
The objective of CFR technique is to induce mobility in the cranial system – specifically the sphenoid bone – with the purpose of facilitating normal cranial respiratory function. The technique is performed by inserting tiny balloons in the nose (specifically the naso pharynx) then quickly inflating them to mobilize the cranial bones. It feels very similar to the sensation experienced when one jumps into a swimming pool and gets water up their nose. The whole procedure takes about 2 to 3 seconds, and it consists a 6 to 10 treatment for optimal results.
Patients who seek CFR treatment are usually people who have been through the gamut and are looking for an alternative non-drug/non-surgical approach to wellness! Most of these people have suffered a great deal, and they are tired of being sick and drug-dependent.
Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR)

The intention of Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR™) is to identify the subconscious imprints (emotions) that are contributing to harmful patterns that we inadvertently perpetuate. Additionally, MBSR™ helps to reduce emotional and physical stress on the body.
The identification of the emotion(s) or the combination of emotions, limiting beliefs, hormones, neurotransmitters (and more) that are repeatedly mobilized and causing stress in the body is done through a form of muscle response testing.
Just as the body retains cellular memories and can recall them when provoked, it can also unlearn this response. Once Dr. Vanessa has identified the collection of emotions, limiting beliefs, and chemicals that are impairing the body, she will mitigate these stressors through cold laser therapy. A cold laser light is used over acupressure points to calm the nervous system response and release the negative imprints stored in the subconscious. When the body has cleared these stressors, individuals can be released from burdens brought on by years of stress and anxiety. By identifying and mitigating detrimental thoughts and/or habits, MBSR™ enables you to work through limiting subconscious beliefs and memories in order to make more purposeful decisions present-day.
MBSR™ is great for those seeking to:
Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.
Release limiting emotional baggage.
Create and foster healthier relationships.
Develop healthier boundaries.
Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.
Develop a deeper sense of love and self-forgiveness.
Experience more physical and emotional balance.
RASHA Technology

The RASHA Technology combines healing sciences inspired by quantum-level physics technologies of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Prioreand Royal Rife, along with the RASHA’s inventor, Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio’s proprietary base 12 algorithms. It is an authentic scalar sound-plasma system that assists the human organism to achieve stress relief and relaxation in order to reclaim its innate ability to self-heal via harmonization of the autonomic nervous system, brain hemisphere synchronization, emotional/trauma release and systematic chakra alignment.
The RASHA Advantages:
Stress relief/relaxation
Activate potential DNA
Boosts immune system
Chakra harmonization/clearing
Brain hemisphere synchronization
Healing regeneration
Muscle & joint pain release
Energy boost
Cellular detox
Energy healing (Source Spiral)
Mind expansion
Focus & clarity
Mood support
30 and 60 minute sessions are available
Transcranial Photobiomodulation Helmet

The Transcranial PBM Helmet is a revolutionary treatment that helps enhance brain function by stimulating cellular repair, boosting circulation, and improving overall brain health.
If you’ve been feeling sluggish or struggling with brain fog, this therapy is an effective way to clear your mind, sharpen focus, and improve cognitive performance. This therapy is incredible for post concussions, seizures, cognitive decline, brain fog, dementia, and more!
The Transcranial PBM Helmet provides red and near-infrared (NIR) light energy directly into the cells to improve a variety of cellular functions.
The special design allows extra optical power with less heat, for even deeper penetration of the light energy!